Protect Yourself From Identity Theft Minisite
Discover a comprehensive identity theft protection minisite by Julie Stone, complete with professional graphics, versatile WordPress themes, extensive PLR content, and eye-catching banner designs.
Price: 14.90
Introducing a brand new comprehensive minisite from Julie Stone!
This package includes everything you need to protect yourself from identity theft, featuring a professionally designed minisite, high-quality minisite graphics, versatile WordPress themes, extensive PLR content, and eye-catching banner designs.
Experience the first-class quality you have come to expect from Julie Stone's products, ensuring you are well-equipped to safeguard your identity online.
- [YES] Can be used for personal use
- [NO] Can be packaged with other products
- [NO] Can modify/change the sales letter
- [NO] Can modify/change the main product
- [NO] Can modify/change the graphics and ecover
- [NO] Can be added into paid membership websites
- [NO] Can put your name on the sales letter
- [NO] Can be offered as a bonus
- [NO] Can be used to build a list
- [NO] Can print/publish offline
- [NO] Can be given away for free
- [NO] Can be added to free membership websites
- [NO] Can convey and sell Personal Use Rights
- [NO] Can convey and sell Resale Rights
- [NO] Can convey and sell Master Resale Rights
- [NO] Can convey and sell Private Label Rights
- [NO] Can be translated to other languages
- [NO] Can be sold
- /
- ProtectYourselfFromIdentityTheftMinisite
- Protect Yourself From Identity Theft Minisite
- Licenses
- ResaleRightsLicense.pdf
- UserLicense.pdf
- PLR_Content
- ebook
- Identity.doc
- ReadMePLR.txt
- WP_Identity_Theft
- images
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- Block-h.png
- Block-s.png
- Block-v.png
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- Button.png
- Footer.png
- Header.jpg
- Page-BgSimpleGradient.jpg
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- PostCategoryIcon.png
- PostCommentsIcon.png
- PostDateIcon.png
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- PostHeaderIcon.png
- PostQuote.png
- PostTagIcon.png
- Sheet-c.png
- Sheet-h.png
- Sheet-s.png
- Sheet-v.png
- item-center.png
- nav.png
- rssIcon.png
- spacer.gif
- subitem-bg.png
- 404.php
- Read me.pdf
- archive.php
- archives.php
- comments.php
- footer.php
- functions.php
- header.php
- index.php
- legacy.comments.php
- links.php
- page.php
- screenshot.png
- script.js
- search.php
- searchform.php
- sidebar1.php
- sidebar2.php
- single.php
- style.css
- style.ie6.css
- affiliate
- images
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- 125x125_blank.jpg
- 160x600.jpg
- 160x600_blank.jpg
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- 300x250.jpg
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- 468x60_blank.jpg
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- 728x90_blank.jpg
- psds
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- 125x125.psd
- 160x600.psd
- 234x60.psd
- 250x250.psd
- 300x250.psd
- 336x280.psd
- 468x60.psd
- 728x90.psd
- images
- arrowdownleft_75.jpg
- arrowdownleft_150.jpg
- arrowdownright_75.jpg
- arrowdownright_150.jpg
- arrowupleft_75.jpg
- arrowupleft_150.jpg
- arrowupright_75.jpg
- arrowupright_150.jpg
- bg.jpg
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- buy_now.jpg
- buy_now_blank.jpg
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- check_50.jpg
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- ebook_250.png
- ebook_350.jpg
- ebook_350.png
- ebook_500.jpg
- ebook_500.png
- ebook_blank_250.jpg
- ebook_blank_250.png
- ebook_blank_350.jpg
- ebook_blank_350.png
- ebook_blank_500.jpg
- ebook_blank_500.png
- ebook_flat_350.jpg
- ebook_flat_500.jpg
- ebook_flat_blank_350.jpg
- ebook_flat_blank_500.jpg
- footer.png
- footer_blank.png
- guarantee.jpg
- guarantee_blank.jpg
- header.png
- header_bg.jpg
- header_blank.png
- identitytheft_affbanners_screenshot_500.jpg
- identitytheft_graphicsscreenshot_500.jpg
- identitytheft_mini_graphicsscreenshot_500.jpg
- identitytheft_salesscreenshot_500.jpg
- identitytheft_squeeze_500.jpg
- identitytheft_wpscreenshot.jpg
- medley_250.jpg
- medley_350.jpg
- medley_500.jpg
- optin.jpg
- price_100.jpg
- price_100.png
- price_150.jpg
- price_150.png
- price_200.jpg
- price_200.png
- price_sample.jpg
- privacypolicy.jpg
- report_250.jpg
- report_250.png
- report_350.jpg
- report_350.png
- report_500.jpg
- report_500.png
- report_blank_250.jpg
- report_blank_250.png
- report_blank_350.jpg
- report_blank_350.png
- report_blank_500.jpg
- report_blank_500.png
- report_flat_350.jpg
- report_flat_500.jpg
- report_flat_blank_350.jpg
- report_flat_blank_500.jpg
- squeeze_header.png
- squeeze_header_blank.png
- squeezeheader_bg.jpg
- table_bg.png
- terms.jpg
- testimonial.jpg
- psds
- binder.psd
- buy_now.psd
- guarantee.psd
- hardbackbook.psd
- optin.psd
- price.psd
- squeezetemplate.psd
- template.psd
- testimonial.psd
- Copyright Notice.txt
- affiliate.html
- graphics.html
- index.html
- squeeze.html
- Read me.pdf