Memory Hack
Enhance brain function and improve performance in work, relationships, and life. Learn memory techniques like memory palaces, speed reading, and cue cards.
Price: 9.90
Enhancing your memory can significantly improve various aspects of your brain function, helping you to perform better in work, relationships, and life.
By improving your ability to learn and store new information, you can expand your skill set, enhance your resume, and gain new abilities that could help you land your dream job.
You'll remember names at parties, quote movies, and more. All of these skills can be learned, and in this book, you will discover precisely how to learn them and what to do with all that knowledge.
Here’s what you’ll discover with this training guide:
- How to use a memory palace to store unlimited information
- How to memorize quotes, passages of text, and more
- How to use accelerated learning techniques like speed reading
- How to use cue cards, notes, and more
- How to train working memory for better focus and creativity
- How to enhance your sleep for better learning
- How to encourage long-term potentiation and easy retrieval of old memories
- How to stop forgetting birthdays, to-dos, and events
- And much more!
Includes ready sales materials!
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- [YES] Can put your name on the sales letter
- [YES] Can be offered as a bonus
- [YES] Can be used to build a list
- [YES] Can print/publish offline
- [YES] Can convey and sell Personal Use Rights
- [YES] Can convey and sell Resale Rights
- [YES] Can convey and sell Master Resale Rights
- [YES] Can be translated to other languages
- [NO] Can modify/change the main product
- [NO] Can modify/change the graphics and ecover
- [NO] Can be given away for free
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- [NO] Can convey and sell Private Label Rights
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- MemoryHack
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- 4.jpg
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- 7.jpg
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- Facebook & Google Plus Posts.txt
- Forum Signatures.txt
- Twitter Tweets.txt
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- Sales Page.txt
- Subject headlines.txt
- 7 - Articles
- Doc
- 5 Ways to Sleep Better for Greater Memory and Recall.docx
- How Accelerated Learning Can Boost Your Brain Power and Change Your Life.docx
- How Accelerated Learning Can Boost Your Brain Power and Change Your Life.pdf
- How Memory Works.docx
- How Memory Works.pdf
- How to Memorize Passages of Text.docx
- How to Memorize Passages of Text.pdf
- How to Remember Names.docx
- Overcome Absent Mindedness.docx
- Overcome Absent Mindedness.pdf
- Three Things That Can Damage Memory.docx
- Top Ways to Make Your Brain More Plastic.docx
- Top Ways to Make Your Brain More Plastic.pdf
- Two Effective Learning Aids for Better Memorization and Rote Learning.docx
- Two Effective Learning Aids for Better Memorization and Rote Learning.pdf
- Two Tips to Train Memory and Focus While You Work.docx
- Two Tips to Train Memory and Focus While You Work.pdf
- Txt
- 5 Ways to Sleep Better for Greater Memory and Recall.txt
- How Accelerated Learning Can Boost Your Brain Power and Change Your Life.txt
- How Memory Works.txt
- How to Memorize Passages of Text.txt
- How to Remember Names.txt
- Overcome Absent Mindedness.txt
- Three Things That Can Damage Memory.txt
- Top Ways to Make Your Brain More Plastic.txt
- Two Effective Learning Aids for Better Memorization and Rote Learning.txt
- Two Tips to Train Memory and Focus While You Work.txt
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- Ebook
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- ebook-medium.png
- ebook-small.png
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- 9 - Infographic
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