Breaking Bad Habits
Transform your life by breaking bad habits and forming new, empowering ones. Learn the science behind habits, the 3 R's neurological loop, and much more. Ready for change?
Price: 14.90
Your habits define you as a person, and they are responsible for all the things that you have and do not have in your life right now.
It is not going to be an easy journey, as breaking habits you have had for a long time can be tough.
However, getting rid of your bad habits will be incredibly liberating. You will feel a great sense of accomplishment by changing something that has been holding you back for years. Forming new, empowering habits will also boost your confidence and make you feel more optimistic about the future.
This course will teach you how habits work and how they are formed.
You will also learn:
- The 3 R’s neurological loop and the time it takes to change habits
- Strategies for breaking bad habits that are not supporting the life you want, and forming new habits that will empower you to make positive changes
- How to use the power of habits to improve your life
- Methods for reinforcing new habits
- And much more!
Includes ready sales materials!
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- [YES] Can put your name on the sales letter
- [YES] Can be offered as a bonus
- [YES] Can be used to build a list
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- [YES] Can convey and sell Personal Use Rights
- [YES] Can convey and sell Resale Rights
- [YES] Can convey and sell Master Resale Rights
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- [NO] Can modify/change the main product
- [NO] Can modify/change the graphics and ecover
- [NO] Can be given away for free
- [NO] Can be added to free membership websites
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- 20.jpg
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- FE-Module9-Articles
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- Article - 3 Phases Of Forming A Habit.txt
- Article - 3 Simple But Effective Ways To Help You Break Bad Habits.docx
- Article - 3 Simple But Effective Ways To Help You Break Bad Habits.txt
- Article - 5 Reasons Why You Need To Form Good Habits.docx
- Article - 5 Reasons Why You Need To Form Good Habits.txt
- Article - 6 Common Bad Habits You Must Break.docx
- Article - 6 Common Bad Habits You Must Break.txt
- Article - Developing Good Habits And Making Them Stick.docx
- Article - Developing Good Habits And Making Them Stick.txt
- Article - Form Good Habits With These 3 Important Things.docx
- Article - Form Good Habits With These 3 Important Things.txt
- Article - Make New Habits Stick With These Top Tips.docx
- Article - Make New Habits Stick With These Top Tips.txt
- Article - Put An End To Bad Habits With These 4 Simple Methods.docx
- Article - Put An End To Bad Habits With These 4 Simple Methods.txt
- Article - The Best 5 Ways To Break Bad Habits.docx
- Article - The Best 5 Ways To Break Bad Habits.txt
- Article - The Science Of How Habits Work.docx
- Article - The Science Of How Habits Work.txt