Boost Your Productivity Upgrade
Discover how to increase productivity through better focus, time management, and understanding key productivity components to get more done in less time.
Price: 11.90
Everyone wants to be more productive, but many people struggle with improving their productivity. In this book, you will learn how to increase your own productivity so that you can get more done in less time.
You will discover how to quiet your mind and improve your focus, leading to enhanced productivity. Additionally, you will understand the basic components of productivity and learn how to become more efficient. The book includes simple time management techniques that can help you significantly boost your productivity.
- [YES] Can be sold
- [YES] Can be used for personal use
- [YES] Can be packaged with other products
- [YES] Can modify/change the sales letter
- [YES] Can be added into paid membership websites
- [YES] Can put your name on the sales letter
- [YES] Can be offered as a bonus
- [YES] Can be used to build a list
- [YES] Can print/publish offline
- [YES] Can convey and sell Personal Use Rights
- [YES] Can convey and sell Resale Rights
- [YES] Can be translated to other languages
- [NO] Can modify/change the main product
- [NO] Can modify/change the graphics and ecover
- [NO] Can be given away for free
- [NO] Can be added to free membership websites
- [NO] Can convey and sell Master Resale Rights
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- /
- BoostYourProductivityUpgrade_mrrg
- BoostYourProducitvityUpgrade_mrrg
- Module 1 - Ebook
- BoostYourProductivity.pdf
- Module 2 - Checklist
- BoostYourProductivityChecklist.pdf
- Module 3 - Resources
- BoostYourProductivityResourceList.pdf
- Module 4 - Mindmap
- Boost Your Producivity.jpg
- Boost Your Productivity.png
- Boost your productivity.html
- Module 5 - Sales Page
- images
- BoostYourProductivityGOLD_160.jpg
- Bundle-800px.png
- Check-Email.png
- Checkout-Steps-confirm.png
- Checkout-Steps.png
- Click-To-Download.png
- Dotted-Line-Divider.png
- Get-Instant-Access.png
- Resource-500px.png
- add-to-cart.png
- body.png
- bundle-500px.png
- checklist-500px.png
- ebook-500px.png
- footer.png
- footerbg.png
- header.png
- headerbg.png
- mindmap.png
- miniarrow.png
- minicheck.png
- confirm-email.html
- disclaimer.html
- download-page.html
- index.html
- privacy.html
- style.css
- terms.html
- thank-you-page.html
- Module 6 - Email Swipes
- Swipe 1.txt
- Swipe 2.txt
- Swipe 3.txt
- Module 7 - Graphics Pack
- Covers
- Box
- Box-350px.png
- Box-500px.png
- Box-800px.png
- Bundle
- Bundle-350px.png
- Bundle-500px.png
- Bundle-800px.png
- Checklist
- Checklist-350px.png
- Checklist-500px.png
- Checklist-800px.png
- Ebook
- Ebook-350px.png
- Ebook-500px.png
- Ebook-800px.png
- Ebook Stacked
- Ebook-Stacked-350px.png
- Ebook-Stacked-500px.png
- Ebook-Stacked-800px.png
- Magazines
- Magazines-Thin-350px.png
- Magazines-Thin-500px.png
- Magazines-Thin-800px.png
- Resource Cheat Sheet
- Resource-Cheat-Sheet-350px.png
- Resource-Cheat-Sheet-500px.png
- Resource-Cheat-Sheet-800px.png
- Flat Design
- Checklist.png
- Resources.png
- flat-350px.png
- flat-500px.png
- flat-800px.png
- Images
- Buttons
- Click-To-Download.png
- Get-Instant-Access.png
- add-to-cart.png
- footer.png
- header.png
- Module 8 - Social Media Quotes
- 1.jpg
- 2.jpg
- 3.jpg
- 4.jpg
- 5.jpg
- 6.jpg
- 7.jpg
- 8.jpg
- 9.jpg
- 10.jpg
- Quotes - ALL IMAGES.jpg
- Quotes.txt
- Module 9 - Articles
- Article1-4WaysToBoostYourProductivity_IncreaseYourSuccess.doc
- Article2-HowToIncreaseProductivitywoGettingBurnedOut.doc
- Article3-3KeyDistractionsThatKillProductivity.doc
- Article4-5WaysToIncreaseProductionInYourBusiness.doc
- Article5-3WaysToBeAMoreProductiveEntrepreneur.doc
- Article6-HowToImproveProductivityUsingAStrategicPlan.doc
- Article7-TopTipsToStayProductiveOnYourProductLaunch.doc
- Article8-5TipsToHyper-BoostYourProductivity.doc
- Article9-BoostYourProductivityUsingThePomodoroTechnique.doc
- Article10-HowToUseTimeTrackingToBoostYourProductivity.doc
- Article1-4WaysToBoostYourProductivity_IncreaseYourSuccess.txt
- Article2-HowToIncreaseProductivitywoGettingBurnedOut.txt
- Article3-3KeyDistractionsThatKillProductivity.txt
- Article4-5WaysToIncreaseProductionInYourBusiness.txt
- Article5-3WaysToBeAMoreProductiveEntrepreneur.txt
- Article6-HowToImproveProductivityUsingAStrategicPlan.txt
- Article7-TopTipsToStayProductiveOnYourProductLaunch.txt
- Article8-5TipsToHyper-BoostYourProductivity.txt
- Article9-BoostYourProductivityUsingThePomodoroTechnique.txt
- Article10-HowToUseTimeTrackingToBoostYourProductivity.txt
- desktop.ini